What I recommend is to disable all services for default role and create a new one with those services available. Once member is approved he would receive that second role. Wouldn't this work for you?
We are not going to enable default role deletion in any of the upcoming builds since that would allow admins to have members without roles at all.
Specify your request if you believe I misunderstood it.
practically try it..
*suppose a site having two {more} roles considering sites policy /norms..
*user sends joining request..
*user get's default "role label" - say " pending verification"..
*"pending verification" label have restricted "role permissions" for accessing site...
*admin/moderator inspects user profile for complying norms of site..
*admin/moderator found profile complying norm and changes "role label" - "pending verification" [restricted permission] to "verified" "role label" [full access permissions]..
*but what happens that as admin/moderator can't able to "toggle" the "default role label" the new user will not have the updated "verified" "role label" on his profile [look at that user he will have the same "pending verification" label role even after moderator changed the role label to "verified" "role label" also as the user have "pending verification" role label he is restricted to access the site]
got it? hope now i m able to make you understand...
please do go through this video of my site with oxwall software..
and think what is necessity of updation of bug of user roles..
#"Pn. Vrf" label have limited permission to access my oxwall powered site..
#"Pn.vrf." label is set to be default for each new registered user so that to have limited access to the oxwall powered site for security purpose.
#"Vrf" label have full access to oxwall powered site.. (the label changed/updated to each user after admin approval and changing user role, by removing"Pnvrf" and applying "Vrf")
#also there are several bugs like - when i'd set "user role permission" as "pen vrf" and given this label permission to see and read "blogs" and "links" but surprisingly it dosn't allow to view to "PnVrf" registered user, but at other side guest can read and see "blogs" and "links"...!